50 MSa/s, the A gives you the flexibility to create the waveforms you need. It also lets you store up to four waveforms in nonvolatile memory. The Keysight IntuiLink arbitrary wave-form software allows you to easily cre-ate, edit, and download complex wave-forms using the waveform editor. Or you can capture a waveform using. · A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 20 MHz Square Waveform Generation Spectrum of Above Waveform at kHz Square Waveform Generation To eliminate distortion due to aliasing at higher frequencies, the A uses a different waveform generation technique to create square waves. · Notice that the function generator powers up in the sine wave function at 1 kHz with an amplitude of mV peak-to-peak (into a 50Ω termination). AGILENT A MANUAL PDF. By. admin Octo. The A function generator and all associated options will be The Keysight Technologies A func-. Operating manual, service manual, quick. Agilent A. 20 MHz Function /.
Agilent A at a Glance The Agilent Technologies A is a 20 MHz synthesized function generator with built-in arbitrary waveform and pulse capabilities. Itscombination of bench-top and system features makes this function generator a versatile solution for your testing requirements now and in the future. Convenient bench-top features. Notice that the function generator powers up in the sine wave function at 1 kHz with an amplitude of mV peak-to-peak (into a 50Ω termination). AGILENT A MANUAL PDF. By. admin Octo. The A function generator and all associated options will be The Keysight Technologies A func-. Operating manual, service manual, quick. Agilent A. 20 MHz Function /. Agilent A at a Glance The Agilent Technologies A is a 20 MHz synthesized function generator with built-in arbitrary waveform and pulse capabilities. Its combination of bench-top and system features makes this function generator a versatile solution for your testing requirements now and in the future. Convenient bench-top features.
This manual contains supplemental information for the Agilent A. Phase-Lock assembly. to the A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator. Agilent A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator · 20 MHz sine and square waveforms · Ramp, triangle, noise, and DC waveforms · Pulse generation with variable. Description; Specifications; Reviews (0). Agilent A, Keysight A is a 20 MHz function generator from Agilent. An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).