2 OUTPUT DUAL RELAY DIGITAL ACCESS CONTROL KEYPAD,DK from Hong Kong (China) Manufacturer AEI PROTECT-ON SYSTEMS LIMITED - DK is a full feature keypad system. It consists of 2 relay outputs controlled by 2 groups of independent User Codes. * Auto or Manual Code Entry * Output Activation Announcer * Pacifier Tone Inhibit Control. Auto or Manual Code Entry Output Activation Announcer Pacifier Tone Inhibit Control DK is the simplified version of the DK, mainly designed for stand-alone electric door lock installation. Its 5 Amp output relay provides N.C. and N.O. dry contacts for door strike and virtually compatible with any electric locking devices. Except. Summary of Contents for AEI DK Page 1 To avoid Electro-Static-Discharge from interfering with the operation of the keypad, always ground the () terminal of the keypad to earth. DK Programming Installation Manual FOR ELECTRIC LOCK INSTALLATION An Innovative Product Developed By: MANUFACTURED BY: SINCE ADVANCED ELECTRONICS AEI.
DK DK kimenet 1 é 5Al e r é 5Al e r kimenet 2 é 1Al e r NPN nyitott kollektor BEKÖTÉSI CSATLAKOZÁSOK RELÉ 1 RELÉ 2 ON OFF DAP RELÉ ON OFF DK DAP DK R 4 56 7 89 0 # PIROS SÁRGA ZÖLD DK • N.C. TAMPER (SZABOTÁZSÉRZÉKELŐ) Normál esetben zárt érintkező (ha a billentyűzet a dobozban van). AEI DK kódkapcsoló ajtó nyitó kódzár - Jelenlegi ára: 5 Ft? A beprogramozott szám beütése után nyitja a mágnes zárat. A termék fel lett szerelve de 1-hét után leszerelték. AEI DK Programming Installation Manual. Download Programming installation manual of AEI DK Keypad for Free or View it Online on www.doorway.ru EMF to prevent it from damaging the keypad. The 1N is not required if the electric lock is AC operated. terminal of the keypad to ear th.
2 R BEVEZETÉS A DK/DK univerzális, önálló digitális beléptető az Auto Code (auto kód) és a Manual Code (kézi kód) mindkét felhasználói módban. Auto or Manual Code Entry Output Activation Announcer Pacifier Tone Inhibit Control Egress Input for Door Remote Triggering. User Code Entry Modes (Auto or Manual). Pacifier Tones ON-OFF. Main Status LED Flashing ON-OFF. Egress Delay Warning. SET KEYPAD TO SINGLE USER MODE (to.