Category: Kitchen Appliances, Pet Care Product. Type: Manual for Petmate Le Bistro. Pages: 4. Instruction Manual for Petmate's LeBistro Cat Feeder - Free download as PDF, Text or read online for free. Programmed automatic feedings for your pet for up to 3 times per day. 5 lb. LeBistro® Portion Control Feeder dispenses 1/4. Summary of Contents for Petmate Le Bistro Page 1 Getting Your Pet Used To The New Automatic Feeder (Do not turn the power on) (only for a period of time to allow adjustment) (only for a period of time to allow adjustment) (Make sure Portion Control LeBistro is placed on an even surface) (assembled without batteries and food). 1) Line up arrows on hopper with arrows on lid. 2) Place lid on top of hopper. 3) Twist and lock lid into place. C. To Assemble Bowl into Base: 1) Insert bowl into base. 2) Lower bowl into base connecting hooks into the base. • Up to three different sized Meals per 24 hours. • Each Meal Serving is adjustable in 1/4 cup increments.
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Manual for Trixie Le Bistro Pet Feeder. View and download the pdf, find answers to frequently asked questions and read feedback from users. lebistro food dispenser. 5lb 10lb Programmable Food Dispenser Instructions Manual. Feed Option. SINCESS. REPLACEMENT OF BATTERIES. TO SET MEAL TIME. Buy Aspen Pet LeBistro Portion Control Programmable Dog Cat Feeder, cup at Read all instructions before opening the product.