Models K, KE AA/AAA Charger: Kodak Ni-MH Value Charger Operating Instructions 4H Thank you for purchasing the Kodak Ni-MH Battery Charger. Please read these instructions for safe operation. Features • Charges AA and AAA Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. • Charge up to 4 AA or up to 4 AAA batteries. Kodak KE Battery Charger User Manual. Open as PDF. of 1 Models K, KE. Thank you for purchasing the Kodak Ni-MH Battery Charger. Please. read these instructions for safe operation. Features • Charges AA and AAA Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Kodak K Battery Charger. Database contains 1 Kodak K Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Important safety instructions.
El manual Kodak KE es del fabricante, la empresa Kodak - es un documento oficial y si tienes alguna duda acerca de su contenido, contacta directamente con el fabricante del dispositivo Kodak KE. El manual Kodak KE se puede ver directamente online o guardar y almacenar en tu ordenador. Download Kodak Important safety instructions. 1. Models K, KE. Thank you for purchasing the Kodak Ni-MH Battery Charger. Please. read these instructions for safe operation. Features. • Charges AA and AAA Ni-MH rechar geable batteries. • Charge up to 4 AA or up to 4 AAA batteries. KODAK Ni-MH Battery Charger Models K, KE 1. Insert 2 or 4 AA/AAA rechargeable Ni-MH batteries into the battery compartment(s), with the +/– contacts facing the +/– contact points in the charger. • Batteries must be charged in pairs. • When charging only 2 batteries, place them in the front compartment of the battery charger. 2.
Summary of the content on the page No. 1. Models K, KE AA/AAA Charger: Kodak Ni-MH Value Charger Operating Instructions. The charging settings - Vehicle Parts Accessories question. purchase a wall charger for you r NI-Mh battery the model number of charger is kodak K Buy Kodak AA Rechargeable NiMh Finger Batteries 4(pcs) With AA/AAA Charger K - CAT from Digital Store Kenya. The leading Kodak products dealer in.