Factory workshop manual / factory service manual for the Hyundai Elantra series vehicles with chassis code XD, built between and Covers all topics related to servicing, maintenance, general repairs, advanced repairs and rebuild guidelines for engine, gearbox, axles, suspension, steering, brakes, interior components, exterior fittings, body panels and electrical system including wiring diagrams, . With this Hyundai Elantra Workshop manual, you can perform every job that could be done by Hyundai garages and mechanics from: changing spark plugs, brake fluids, oil changes, engine rebuilds, electrical faults; and much more; The Hyundai Elantra Owners Manual PDF includes: detailed illustrations, drawings, diagrams, step by step guides. Transmissions covered by our Hyundai Elantra service manual: Manual Transaxle System (M6CF) DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) System (Dual Clutch Transmission).
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